
Pollution Solution, Inc.


Industry Leader Since 1979

Drain Inlet Protection

Bagged Goods

Job Site Maintenance

Wattle/Log - Straw

Copyright © 2020 Pollution Solution, Inc. (PSI)

Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance

Elima-Drip Pad - Drip Containment Pad

Elima-Drip Wrap - Drip Containment Hose Wrap

Elima-Drip Pouch - Hose Fitting Drip Pocket

Other Products Manufactured By PSI


The Grab Bag - Pinch - Orange Geotextile

Whether used on construction sites or for emergency situations, the uses of Sand Bags / Bird’s Eye Gravel Bags vary, such as:

• Along streams and channels

• Down slope of exposed soil areas

• Around stockpiles

• To divert or direct water flow

• Create a temporary sediment basin

• Across ditches and swales

Each pallet is stacked with 100 bags,

encased in opaque stretch wrap and

then strapped to the pallet with metal

banding to easily transport from shop

to jobsite.

Sand Bags / Bird's Eye Gravel Bags

Sand Bags / Bird’s Eye Gravel Bags are a low cost and versatile BMP. Each bag is sewn shut eliminating spill-out associated to bags that are simply tied off. In addition to durability, a bag sewn shut creates a consistently shaped unit resulting in a more even and precise stack.

Quick Look

• Dimensions                14"W x 26"L (empty)

• Weight                         30 lbs Sand - 30 lbs 5/16" Bird's Eye Gravel

• Packaging                   100 units per pallet

Spec Sheet

Standard fill is 30 lbs - Available fills up to 50 lbs